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One Event Down, One Almost Here.

Well, the Bal Biotique went great! It seemed to me that there was much more to see and do this year. Additionally, the attendance looked to be double what it was last year. I told over 400 fortunes at my booth - so many I ran out of cards towards the end and was trying to cut out new ones in between customers. Even so I still had to turn people away twice. You can see tons of great pictures here.

Madame Sascha selfie

I'm nearly at the end of the photos, midway through picking just the right card for someone; but if you don't feel like clicking through, here's a selfie as Madame Sascha. Thanks to my friend Jacci Hammer for the last minute headwrap - I forgot to bring one!

But I barely had time to pack up my crystal ball before I'll be on to the next thing: Bringing In The May. I've been working on a bunch of new designs for this that I'm super pleased with. I hope you will be too! You can get some sneak peeks on my Instagram (as well as a view of my chaotic work space) - and hey, why not give me a follow while you're there?

And if the festival isn't exciting enough, I also started planning out some thrifting adventures on my way there and home again. I may need one more day off just to recover from the trip, at this rate. I was disappointed to find out that a very promising looking store in Youngstown just closed for good not two weeks ago. However, I've got well over a half dozen others mapped out; I'm hoping to hit a few on my way down if I can get out the door soon enough.

I think that's all for now. Only a week left til I get on the road and I've still so much I want to get done! I had a whole Saturday to myself yesterday, which helped a lot. But I've still got one last project barely started so time to sign off for now. Stay tuned, because I'm sure there will be LOTS to update in my next post!

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